Saturday 11 February 2012

Sweet corn and pork binagoongan

Last week, Japanese sweet corn was on sale selling at 8pcs for $5 so I bought 1 pack.  I love it just boiled, then rubbed with butter and spinkled with salt and pepper! super yumm!!
Boiled sweet corn with butter and salt and pepper
I also cooked pork binagoongan. My version I think is the easiest.  I don't want to spend so much time. I just want to fulfill my bagoong cravings so here it goes.  I prepared the following ingredients:

1/2 kilo pork, cubed (I use the part where there is a good size of fats)
1/2 cup bagoong (I use the bario fiesta original flavor)
1 tomato
5-7 cloves garlic minced
1 onion minced

1. Boil the pork with 1 1/2 cup of water and add the tomato. You can cut the tomato if you wish.  The tomato will release fluids that will combined to the water.
2. Let the water evaporate and tomato fluid evaporate.  If you choose a pork with good size of fat, the oil from the fat will be released once the water evaporates. If your pork is dry, you can add few table spoons of cooking oil.
3. Add the garlic and onion to the mixture, sautee for few minutes or until you smell the aroma of garlic and onions.
4. Add the bagoong. You can add more than 1/2 cup depending on your taste. Sautee if for 3-5 minutes.  I like my binagoongan a little crispy so I sautee it longer.
5. Once you are done, serve it with rice.

Crispy pork binagoongan
 I hope I have some mangoes here!

Till then!!


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