Sunday 5 June 2011

Going nuts

I initially planned spending my Queen's bday holiday by working in the office.  I have so many things to catch up to but laziness kicked in so I stayed at home. I've been reading blogs and familiarising myself on the art of blogging, watched filipino news, series, watched Tyra, facebooked and stalked at peoples twitter accounts, lol! I worked for an hour though, checked one of client's financial statements. Ohh boy, when will I get over this?? I hope my next job will be more exciting. 

Being a couch potato is not complete without snacks.  Instead of having chips this is what I had


Im trying to be healthy so I go nuts! Although I would still choose Beer Match's salt and vinegar if those are easily available in dairies (a.k.a sari sari stores).

Till my next blog =)

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