Sunday 5 June 2011

When life gives you lemons... squeeze it!

Today is Queen's birthday holiday in New Zealand and I started this day by this

I mixed the lemons with warm water and drink it before I eat anything.  I have read that this is a good beauty and health regimen.  It detoxify our liver so I thought of trying it.  List of its benefits are as follows:
  • Lemon water helps clean the toxins out of your body;
  • Lemon can help relieve many digestion problems when mixed with hot water;
  • Lemon is high in vitamins C so it helps diminish allergies;
  • Lemon is good for people who has urinary tract infection;
  • Trivia: if you apply lemon juice poured on a cotton ball to your nostril it can stop nosebleed!
Well I'm mostly keen on the first benefit.  I would like to see how it will cleanse my skin! I'll do it in 30 days and see how it goes!

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