Saturday 11 June 2011

Weekend splurge!!

The bug and I started our day early for a Saturday.  We have things planned so we were awake at 8 am. Braekfast was heavy, we had our tempura left over (cooked by chef bug) as well as some leftover salmon.  We then headed to the grocery to do our weekly food shopping.  Since the bug has received a $100 gift voucher due to his hard work, we then went straight to The Warehouse. He bought me a bathrobe.  My old bathrobe is starting to get smelly! ewww! hahaha he can't stand the smell so he said, go buy one. This is what I grabbed
That is actually a bathrobe, lol! I was not able to manage to get a better photo that would show its size.  I think bathrobes have only one style. It just varies in the color and its fabric.  I love the hearts design of my robe!

We also bought a knife.  The knife we use at home needs to retire.  We've been using that knife since we came here in NZ. It has been almost 3 years.  Poor knife. 

We also got 2 glass water dispensers, 2 storage boxes and bug's winter scraf. I was planning to get a watch as well but our bill is already reached to $107, so maybe next time.

After warehouse we walked our way to Queen's street.  Bug is planning to get a new tranch coat and a badminton shoes. Too bad, we didn't like the styles available. He went home then afterwards. I think guys don't have the patience we have to try to look around on other shops. 

I continued shopping, alone. I prefer to be alone. I don't like him waiting and making faces to me as if saying hurry up, get what you want! These are what I've got
Yes, I've got 2 bags same design, different colors.  I've been eyeing on these bags for the longest time.  They were on sale today at 50% off so I've got two.  Im sure my sisters would use these even if I used it already. lol. Got these for $20 each! Super bargain!

I've also got myself undies from Cotton.
These too are on special.  got them at 50% off. One undies would originally costs $10, I got one for $5. Cute aye!

My last splurge for the day is my membership to Les Mills! Bug agreed this morning that I can get myself enrolled! I better be attending gym now!

I just love Saturdays!!!

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